39+ 1 Tattoo Meaning Background
*39+ 1 Tattoo Meaning Background*. This tattoo features a black inked
longitudinal tree with pointy edges tattooed along your forearm inside.
He’s one ...
Untuk menjawab persoalan ni, kita perlu time-travel ke tahun 2010!
Sekitar 2010 dulu, ramai beranggapan media sosial @ social media hanyalah
kegilaan go...
Apa yang ada di FAMILYMART?
Ok bila kita sebut je nama FAMILYMART, ada yang dah tau, dan ada yang masih
belum tahu kewujudannya? As for me, kebetulan awal tahun lepas, aku ada
Our 1st Home || Fasa 1
*Entri pertama bagi tahun 2017*
*Alhamdulillah sejak pertengahan januari yang lepas*
*keluarga kecil kami dah start buat rumah sendiri*
*hehe..nak beli sia...
Merisik Day
Salam & hi yuolss!
Actually, lama dah nak tulis dalam blog about this, so that i can reread
this lovely memory, another step, another phase of my life. M...
Majlis Khatamal Quran 2011 telah diadakan pada 10 November 2011, Khamis
lepas. Majlis ini disertai oleh seramai 62 orang murid Tahun 5 dan Tahun 6
When my heart speaks..
I wish that i could touch that face..
And see right through that eyes..
Listen to that voice every night..
So that i can sleep tight..
The day that i'll...
Another task in our coursework is to design a worksheet with two sentences
for analysis using tree diagrams and its suggested answers. F...
The first task is about how Malaysian culture affects English Language. For
this task, we need to discuss the issue and create the PPT slide. Then, we
The last part in completing the project is to present the information that
we have discussed about how Malaysian culture affects English Language in
:: Why no sounds??::
Let's watch a video from this my member's blog:
Your speaker having problems?
No.. No...
I can restart..
Look. Look around you. Look at the sky...at the sea... breath! inhale the
oxygen. Yes!!!! You are alive. Thanks to Allah.
I'm happy to share a video that I...
Satay Celup Malacca ^^
Its been so long time since the last time i went for local traveling. Cause
previous semester was so busy study while earning money. I gained fat again
what should i do??
setelah sekian lama aku tidak menulis, malam ini aku terpanggil untuk
mengarang lagi.. mengarang perasaan hati, meluahkan rasa terbuku, kecewa,
gembira, se...
oh seriously ke?
ye, serious. sekarang byk assgnmnt. tp saya mmg sempat ber-procrastinate.
whoopsie. kantoi. haha. well there are a few things to be pin-pointed for
now by ...
lIKE i lOVE yoU~~~
looking at your pictures
that was a year ago
we were dating at the beach
waiting for the sunset
what a great memories
thought i will forget it
but now ...
Assalammualaikum wbt and a good day to everyone..
Creating a blog is a new knowledge that I have to explore. But yet I am
trying my best.
My group membe...
First post for IO4!!
Hello guys,
I am just trying out blogging for the first time, partly due to curiosity,
but mostly due to necessity LoL. I am new to this so please be kind ...
classroom management rules
*just read and leave some comment =)
The best rule that I have heard and I would believe to be my attitude
towards classroom rules is that I need a class...
Projek Mega KPT
mesin Photostate 'KPT'2010...
(kumpulan Pointer Terendah)
*Humble, innocent, handsome*
projek kumpulan mkorg akhirnya berjaya dijalankan dengan jayanya pada...
Kasih Sayang
Hi kawan-kawan,
Sejak dua minggu yang lepas saya berasa gembira dan puas hati. Pertama saya
telah menyertai satu aktiviti gotong-royong di rumah orang tua ...
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